Babes labour prep to help every new mum
From the earliest days of The Babes Project, we’ve worked to prepare and empower women for pregnancy and motherhood, in the face of every kind of crisis.
But it shouldn’t take a crisis to connect new mamas with the information and advice they need to feel confident for their journey.
With more than a decade of experience providing perinatal support, Babes knows that countless pregnant women feel underprepared for labour, birth, and beyond.
And feeling disempowered during labour and birth can have negative impacts for how women connect with their baby, and engage with health care, for years to come.
That’s why we’ve created Labour Education, by The Babes Project.
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A million for mums - make your voice heard!
Motherhood makes women more vulnerable.
It’s not something we want to acknowledge – as women, or as a society.
But it's true.
Women are more likely to face domestic violence when pregnant. One in five women experience perinatal depression. Primary caring can reduce earning capacity, and therefore independence. And in violent or abusive situations, children are too often turned hostages to make a woman stay.
At Babes, we've seen all those situations - and so many more - undermine a new mother's confidence, her security, and her ability to grow connection with her newborn.
But we've also seen how pregnant women and new mothers, rise from the toughest situations, and thrive in their motherhood.
They just need support at that most crucial, and most vulnerable time. And record numbers of women are reaching out for it.
But without The Babes Project - where would they turn?
With your help to raise $1 million, Babes is determined to let them know we'll always be here for them.
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