
The Babes Project is a leader in the field of pregnancy support in Australia. 

With much experience in supporting women facing a crisis pregnancy, The Babes Project has developed significant understanding about the issue of crisis pregnancy and how to support women in the perinatal period. 

One of the most common questions we are asked by our supporters is "How can I do more to help women facing a crisis pregnancy?"

Our brand new seminar series will answer this question.

The Babes Project has done the hard work. We understand how both individuals and groups can best engage in perinatal support. And so now we want to share that with you! 

In 2017 we will be running two types of seminars: morning sessions for individuals who want to help women in their own world and longer day sessions which go a little deeper and are aimed at groups who are interested in knowing more. 

These interactive sessions will inspire and empower passionate people and communities to suport women facing a crisis pregnancy. Individuals will learn how they can practically help women as they prepare for motherhood and long term as they raise their children. 

Speakers will include:
Helen Parker - Founder + Managing Director of The Babes Project
Bec Gebert - Assistant Director @ The Babes Project
Dean Parker - Team Leader, Therapeutic Care @ Anglicare
And we'll bring along one of our midwives!

All attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of our speakers and will receive take-home information to help them apply what they’ve learnt to real situations.

Places are limited, so book now to ensure your place! 

Morning Seminars

If you have any questions, please email us on [email protected]