Foundation Supporters

We are excited to introduce our "Foundation Supporters" initiative - an exclusive group of 25 individuals and businesses committed to making a lasting difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children. By contributing a tax-deductible donation of $1,000 per month, every Foundation Supporter has the opportunity to invest in the very foundations that will make The Babes Project sustainable and able to impact more lives for years to come.

Your commitment as a Foundation Supporter becomes the very base upon which The Babes Project will continue to stand. Your support will foster sustainability, enabling us to implement programs that address immediate needs while also creating long-term solutions. 

To express our gratitude for your generous commitment, Foundation Supporters will receive:

  • A Foundation Welcome pack including our Annual report.
  • Exclusive updates and reports on the impact of your contributions.
  • Invitations to "Foundation" breakfasts hosted by us twice a year.
  • Invitations to special events and activities to witness firsthand the difference your support is making. 
  • Recognition on our website and in relevant publications as a distinguished Foundation Supporter.

Becoming a Foundation Supporter will not only provide crucial resources, but symbolises your commitment to the enduring success of our life-changing work. Join us in making a difference today, and for years to come. 

If you would prefer to give as a Foundation Supporter via direct bank transfer, please contact [email protected] 

And if you can't commit to $1,000 a month, consider becoming a Friend of Babes instead!